What functions does a feed bunker have?

The purpose of a feed hopper is to

  • store material store
  • feed
  • dosage
  • and equalization

of the material in the recycling process.

In recycling, the recycled material is prepared for reuse. There are process steps that build on each other. For example, this includes classification and screening using a stationary screening machine or mobile screening plant. NIR sorting and/or magnetic sorting can also be part of the recycling process. The process begins with the feeding of the material.

Feed hoppers are used for this purpose. They store the material. This is filled or fed into the feed hopper using a wheel loader, for example. In addition to storing the material, one of the main tasks of the feed hopper is to transfer the material to the downstream machines. The aim is for the feed hopper to feed the material to the treatment process in the desired quantity.


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Feed hopper for incinerator bottom ash (IBA)

Feeding chute
for mixed construction waste

Feed hopper for C&D waste
Two yellow feed hopper for shredder heavy fraction in metal recycling

Feed hopper for shredder heavy fraction

Dosing hopper for metal recycling

Feed hopper for metal recycling
Feed hopper in a recycling plant for metal recycling

Infeed hopper for metal recycling

Advantages and benefits of a feed hopper

  • Optimum and blockage-free material feed
  • Powerful feed
  • Most economical operation
  • Robust technology
  • Easy to clean and low maintenance
  • Optionally available with impact protection, hopper discharge chute, Hardox equipment, ceramic lining (for hot insert), weighing system and IIOT monitoring
  • Adjustable running speed for downstream units
  • Low-caking construction
  • Available as a mobile or stationary version
feed hopper discharge chute

Discharge chute for C&D waste

Feeding chute for commercial and household waste

bulk feed hopper charging chute for industrial and household waste
infeed hopper feeding chute for commercial waste

Feed hopper for heavy fraction from commercial and household waste

INFORM NOW: The new SPALECK ActiveFEED infeed hopper

Are you already familiar with our ActiveFEED infeed hopper? It guarantees you a very constant and optimized material feed for your sorting machines.

You are welcome to put this and also our screening machines and conveyors through their paces with your material in our SPALECK TestCenter.

SPALECK ActiveFEED Infeed Hopper

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Large infeed hopper ready for transport to recycling plant

In what sizes and filling heights are feed hoppers available?

From very small to XXL

We manufacture feed hoppers for you in all sizes. We adapt the size and filling height precisely to your requirements. For example, feed hoppers for large-volume materials generally have a larger capacity than those for low-volume materials. We determine the size together with you and in coordination with the technology and machines used.

What materials is a feed hopper suitable for?

Suitable for almost all recycled materials

Feed hoppers are suitable for almost all recycling materials and bulk materials of all kinds. Common applications include scrap metal, electrical scrap, shredded PVC windows, shredded PV elements, slag, incinerator bottom ash, fluidized bed ash, refuse derived fuels, shredded waste wood, compost and biowaste, ASR (Auto Shredder Residue), batteries and much more. Thanks to their very robust and stable steel construction, feed hoppers are also ideal for harsh applications and materials.

Detailbild eines Aufgabebunkers der Baumischabfaelle an ein Foerderband hin zu einer SPALECK Siebmaschine abgibt
Production of infeed hoppers at SPALECK

What else are feed hoppers called in practice?

Synomye for feed units

In practice, users often use different designations for a feed hopper. These can vary depending on the company and industry as well as the personal experience of the plant operator. Common synonyms are, for example, dosing hopper, bunker, feed chute, infeed unit, storage hopper or bunker discharge chute. Depending on the term, different technical designs may also be associated with them.

Keith Corvin
Keith Corvin | Sales Manager North America
  • +1 412 294 2494
Martin Hurson | Managing Director
  • +1 281 965 9656
Christoph Derking | Production Manager | After Sales Manager
Kai Giesing | Spare Parts | Technical Support
Verena Metzger | Internal Sales | Spare Parts | Bookkeeping
Christel Sevink | Internal Sales | Spare Parts | Bookkeeping