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The SmartSuspension air suspension in figures


max. isulation grade





No isolation-frame

Maximized vibration isolation enables lighter execution of the steel construction

The SmartSUSPENSION air suspension ensures maximum vibration isolation of your screening machine. This saves you the need for a isolation-frame. Compared to conventional air suspensions for screening machines, SmartSUSPENSION even enables an even lighter execution of the steel construction.

Intelligent self-regulation

Optimal damping properties.
Up to 99 % vibration isolation.

The self-regulating air spring system for screening machines guarantees optimum damping of the screen and almost completely eliminates the vibration loads for surrounding buildings, aggregates and the ground.

Smart technology

100% economic. 100% reliable.

Highly robust, cost-effective and reliable:
The integrated control-system for compressed air, which could be easily integrated into an
existing supply.

Designed for harsh environments

Best safety, operational and maintenance characteristics

Low maintenance, with failure protection and optimum operating characteristics – the SPALECK SmartSUSPENSION technology is particularly convincing in rough working areas.


Our demand for innovation:
It must help our customers move forward.

Keith Corvin | Sales Manager North America
  • +1 412 294 2494
Keith Corvin